quarta-feira, 13 de março de 2019

O crepúsculo dos ícones

Deu no G1 Economia 
09-03-2019, por France Presse
Emblemático edifício Chrysler de NY é vendido em momento de baixa no mercado
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O edifício Chrysler, um dos mais emblemáticos de Nova York, foi vendido com perdas para seus proprietários, a empresa de investimentos Mubadala e o grupo imobiliário Tishman Speyer - informou a imprensa americana.
Segundo o "Wall Street Journal", este prédio de 77 andares, considerado uma obra-prima da arquitetura art déco, foi vendido por 150 milhões de dólares para o fundo RFR do investidor imobiliário nova-iorquino Aby Rosen e para um "sócio estrangeiro" não identificado. (..)
A venda acontece em um momento difícil para o mercado imobiliário em geral em Nova York, mas em particular em Manhattan.Hudson Yards, na costa oeste de Manhattan, em breve terá mais de 1,6 milhão de metros quadrados de novos escritórios e residências, o que aumentará ainda mais a pressão para baixo sobre os prédios mais antigos. (..)

The Chrysler Building is a classic example of Art Deco architecture and considered by many contemporary architects to be one of the finest buildings in New York City. It was the headquarters of the Chrysler Corporation from 1930 until the mid-1950s, but, although the building was built and designed specifically for the car manufacturer, the corporation did not pay for the construction of it and never owned it. Walter P. Chrysler decided to pay for it himself, so that his children could inherit it. The building is currently owned by Tishman Speyer, along with a new Millenium style buliding 'Chrysler East'. Collectively the buildings are known as the Chrysler Centre, taking the entire of 42nd Street, between Lexington Avenue and Third Avenue.
Imagem: Internet
The Chrysler Building was designed by architect William Van Alen for a project of Walter P. Chrysler. When the ground breaking occurred on September 19, 1928, there was an intense competition in New York City to build the world's tallest skyscraper. Despite a frantic pace (the building was built at an average rate of four floors per week), no workers died during the construction of this skyscraper.
Van Alen's original design for the skyscraper called for a decorative jewel-like glass crown. It also featured a base in which the showroom windows were tripled in height and topped by 12 stories with glass-wrapped corners, creating an impression that the tower appeared physically and visually light as if floating in mid-air. The height of the skyscraper was also originally designed to be 246 meters (807 ft). However, the design proved to be too advanced and costly for building contractor William H. Reynolds, who disapproved of Van Alen's original plan. The design and lease were then sold to Walter P. Chrysler, who worked with Van Alen and redesigned the skyscraper for additional stories; it was eventually revised to be 282 m (925 ft) tall. As Walter Chrysler was the chairman of the Chrysler Corporation and intended to make the building into Chrysler's headquarters, various architectural details and especially the building's gargoyles were modeled after Chrysler automobile products like the hood ornaments of the Plymouth; they exemplify the machine age in the 1920s. (..)

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