quarta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2018

Deu no Diário de Nordeste
08-01-2018, por Vanessa Madeira 
Capital é cidade com mais Operações Urbanas Consorciadas no Brasil

Por meio da parceria entre o poder público e a iniciativa privada, Fortaleza tem passado por transformações urbanas com impactos diretos e indiretos no cotidiano dos moradores das mais diversas regiões da cidade. Com a realização de Operações Urbanas Consorciadas (OUC), instrumento urbanístico previsto no Estatuto da Cidade, áreas degradadas ou com grandes demandas sociais e físicas recebem investimento e vivenciam mudanças que vão desde a construção de vias e implantação de árvores à geração de empregos.

Mecanismos do tipo começaram a ser adotados em Fortaleza nos anos 1990. Hoje, com sete operações consolidadas - abrangendo os bairros Papicu, Jóquei Clube, Praia do Futuro, Canindenzinho, Siqueira, Luciano Cavalcante, Mucuripe e Sapiranga - a Capital cearense supera São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro e é considerada a cidade com o maior número de parcerias nesse modelo no Brasil, conforme aponta a Secretaria Municipal de Urbanismo e Meio Ambiente (Seuma). Para o próximo ano, outras 14 novas áreas com potencial para a criação de OUCs devem ser anunciadas. (Continua) 

Consulte o Relatório de Desenvolvimento Ouc Maceió Papicu, Prefeitura de Fortaleza / Quanta

quinta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2018

Solo fértil II - adubar é preciso

Deu no NY Times online
03-01-2018, por Jonathan Mahler

The Case for the Subway
It built the city. Now, no matter the cost — at least $100 billion — the city must rebuild it to survive

Waiting on the platform at Chambers Street. 
CreditDamon Winter/The New York Times
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(..) The subway’s importance to the city begins with a single, durable economic principle: Cities create density, and density creates growth. Economists call the phenomenon agglomeration. Not only does geographical proximity reduce costs, but it also facilitates the exchange of knowledge and spurs innovation. It’s a principle that holds true for better and worse and regardless of the industry. 
(..) If the story of the subway is the story of density, it is also the story of land — and more to the point, the story of land value. Before the first tracks had even been laid, real estate speculators were gobbling up farmland and empty lots along the proposed route and then quickly flipping their parcels at huge premiums to builders. When the subway recovered from its last major crisis, it again began throwing off enormous returns for the owners of the land above it. From 1993 to 2013, the average price for a co-op or condo in TriBeCa rose from $182 per square foot to $1,569. In the process, prime real estate in Manhattan was transformed from a place where people lived and built businesses into a high-yield investment in which absentee owners parked their money and watched it grow.
(..) In Hong Kong, the company that runs the subway also controls the property around it, earning huge amounts that it can then reinvest in service enhancements. The M.T.A., by contrast, is largely cut out of the land profiteering that it enables: Of the authority’s roughly $16 billion budget in 2017, about $460 million came from a tax on residential real estate transactions. An additional $520 million came from a tax on commercial sales. To put those numbers in perspective, several years ago, a group of economists calculated that the land in New York City — just the land, not the buildings on it — was worth about $2.5 trillion. One thing New York City has plenty of is money, and much of it is bound up in real estate, a kind of blank canvas with unlimited economic promise. (Continua)

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