Microsoft busca arquitetos para pensar cidades inteligentes
Microsoft busca arquitetos para pensar cidades inteligentes
La Urbanización Marginal del Extrarradio de Madrid: Una Respuesta Espontánea al Problema de la Vivienda. El Caso de La Prosperidad (1860-1930)
“En 1860, conforme con las reflexiones urbanísticas de la época, se decide adecuar la ciudad de Madrid a su población creciente, ensanchándola. Así se adopta el plan de ensanche del ingeniero Carlos María de Castro. Éste prevee la preparación de suelo edificable a cargo del municipio. No obstante, la violenta inflación de precios que provoca el proyecto y las estrictas normas de edificación conllevan un fuerte desajuste entre las características de las viviendas edificables en el ensanche y la solvencia de la demanda. En consecuencia, la edificación del ensanche es lenta y las viviendas populares se construyen fuera de él. Así aparecen las primeras parcelaciones de tierras rurales en el extrarradio, zona comprendida entre el límite exterior del ensanche y el límite del termino municipal de Madrid, el año que sigue a la adopción del plan Castro. A partir de 1860 y hasta mediados del siglo XX, Madrid crece en dos frentes, uno oficial y planificado, el ensanche y el otro, informal y espontáneo, el extrarradio. (..)”
Imagem: Internet, editado PJ
Homeless in US: A deepening crisis on the streets of America
They seem to be almost everywhere, in places old and new, no age spared. Sleeping on cardboard or bare ground, the homeless come together under bridges and trees, their belongings in plastic bags symbolising lives on the move.
Many have arrived on the streets just recently, victims of the same prosperity that has transformed cities across the US West Coast. As officials struggle to respond to this growing crisis, some say things are likely to get worse.
Vibrant Portland, Oregon's largest city, has long lured many. It is the City of Roses, of pleasant climate, rich culture and progressive thinking. It is also an innovation hub, part of what is called Silicon Forest, and new residents have moved here in these post-recession years attracted by its high-tech companies and their well-paid jobs.
But the bonanza, unsurprisingly, has not come to everyone.
Booming demand in an area with limited housing offers quickly drove the cost of living up, and those who were financially on the limit lost the ability they once had to afford a place.
Many were rescued by family and friends, or government programmes and non-profit groups. Others, however, ended up homeless. The lucky ones have found space in public shelters. Not a few are now in tents and vehicles on the streets. (Continua)
Reading Broadacre
On April 15, 1935, in the heart of Rockefeller Center in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright mounted an exhibition featuring a radical project called Broadacre City, in which he proposed to resettle the entire population of the United States onto individual homesteads. A veritable Trojan horse that challenged the very urbanity of the space where it was exhibited, Broadacre City advanced an idea of decentralization whereby communities would be based on small-scale farming and manufacturing, local government, and property ownership.
Conceived at the height of the Great Depression, Wright never intended to build Broadacre City but rather used it as a vehicle to address pressing social, economic, and environmental issues, many of which have contemporary relevance. His vision invites us to reflect on questions of our own time, such as the role of government, social and economic equality, infrastructure and sustainability, and how to foster community.
The Broadacre City exhibition was sponsored by the National Alliance of Art and Industry, a Rockefeller-funded initiative that endeavored to educate the public about advances in American industry. Its centerpiece was a 12-foot by 12-foot model that represented 4-square miles of “typical countryside” accommodating 1,400 families. Within this radius, all elemental units of modern society were included: farms, factories, offices, schools, parks and recreational spaces, places of worship, a seat of government, and individual houses [Fig. 1 and Fig. 2]. The scale was local, as Wright emphasized: “…little farms, little homes for industry, little factories, little schools, and a little university.” Every citizen of Broadacre was a property owner—a minimum of one acre of land, or more according to need—and also owned at least one car, as transportation was primarily by automobile. Wright envisioned that the low-density community represented in the Broadacre model would be replicated across the United States, creating a network of small communities that would be connected together by highways and telecommunication systems, such as radio and telephone [Fig. 8].Accompanying the Broadacre model were smaller models of individual projects, drawings, and text panels that together told the story of Wright’s utopian vision [Fig. 3]. At the entrance, a panel introduced the overall theme of Broadacre: DECENTRALIZATION INTEGRATION. Once inside the installation, various other didactic panels outlined the main arguments. THE FUTURE IS EVERYWHERE OR NOWHERE points to the sweeping nature of Wright’s proposal. OUT OF THE GROUND INTO THE LIGHT speaks to the agrarian ideal behind Broadacre, with its tapestry of small farms and privately owned land. (Continua)